Registration Form
Registration Step 1 of 11

  1. IFPHK offers concessionary fee arrangements for Hong Kong students who are taking up a face-to-face, full-time undergraduate degree program at one of the Hong Kong degree-awarding higher education institutions. To apply, relevant students should complete the "Application for Concessionary Fee Arrangements for Candidacy with ''Fast-track to CFP Certification'' (List A)" form and submit it together with the Candidacy Application Form. They should NOT apply online.

To start your registration, please key in your Hong Kong Identity Card number and the verification code as shown. Click NEXT to continue.
(For applicants without Hong Kong Identity Card, please input your Macau Identity Card number or your passport number)

Personal ID ()
Verification Code
  You may refresh the page to generate a new verification code.

Note: Candidacy annual fee is on a calendar year basis. For candidacy application submitted between 1 July and 31 December, a half-year annual fee will be charged for that year.